“That’s my
uncle!” Luis Quetzal exclaimed me in Spanish as we watched a scratchy vintage
video at the Gold Museum in San
Jose. Luis, a 12th
generation shaman, had come from his remote village to help lead our group of “LEAF
Ambassadors”. He’d never visited the
museum before. Luis was surprised to see his uncle on film chanting
and ceremoniously divining a cure. “He
taught me those same songs,” Luis excitedly said. Around us lay the artifacts
of Costa Rica’s
indigenous cultures. Beside us walked a
man who still practiced those traditions. It was a poignant introduction to why
we had come.

The LEAF Festival is held twice-a-year in
Black Mt., North Carolina.
Sold out crowds revel in the atmosphere of positivity set to stellar world and
regional music. But LEAF’s mission of connecting cultures through the arts at
the weekend festivals and in their numerous outreach programs to
Asheville schools extends
much farther. In partnership with programs in
Costa Rica,
Haiti and Tanzania LEAF
International helps support indigenous culture keepers. Luis explained, “If you take a tree that only
has roots from two years, it’s very easy to uproot the tree but if the tree has
roots from 10 years, it’s very hard to uproot that tree.” Deeper roots teach the children that their
culture didn’t start 200 years ago. It’s
ancient. Seeing the ideas in action as we did was a transformative experience.

I’d been to
Costa Rica
a few other times including some relatively remote locations but nothing like
this. From Puerto Viejo, we travelled by
public bus, hired van and (when that broke down) pick up truck until we reached
River where long dug-out canoes were being loaded with everything from
furniture to bunches of bananas. We
gingerly tossed in our backpacks and headed into the Talamanca. Up the river, down a dirt road and through a
grove of giant bamboo, we came to the Amubri village of Koswak.
Its huge conical huts, made entirely from bamboo and palm, are truly marvels of
engineering. There is a dining hut where
our hosts cooked delicious meals on a wood fire, a two story sleeping hut with
private, mosquito-netted beds, a gathering hut large enough for dozens of folks
and running water and toilets nearby.

Our days were
spent on “intercambio”: cultural
exchange. We whipped up a rendition of
“Here Comes the Sun” to sing in classrooms.
Until a few years ago, the only songs taught in their schools were the
ones the evangelists had allowed. During
those years, the indigenous language was banned. Now the Bri Bris control their own schools so
the children sang their traditional songs in their original language. That night we danced in a circle with local
drummers to depict the world’s creation.
We hiked to visit Jairo, a drum maker.
Beside his family’s smoky conical hut, his father and he showed us the
s’bok drums they were making by meticulously carving out the core of logs and
covering them with snake skin. Before
LEAF’s support, Jairo was making trinkets for tourists. Now his students learn fables set to
music. At every opportunity Luis sang: for
our safe arrival, before our long journeys home, to welcome the sunrise... Every occasion is elevated by music he told
us. He conducted healing sessions for those who were willing. The chants and
potions left fellow-traveler Steve with a mysterious bolt of energy coursing
through his body and cured Isaiah of “FOMO”, the fear of missing out that our
culture promulgates.

“LEAF makes us feel
that…our cultures are important,” said Alexis Rodriguez, the culture keeper who
worked with LEAF International to unite indigenous tribal members from Costa Rica and Panama. In their sacred mountains
they saw their musical traditions performed for the first time as art. The power of music is evident in the Rwandan
program which helped turn homeless orphans into touring drummers. “To watch these teen street boys become young
men living in a home, and each being a world-class performer has been a series of
miracles and a testament to the human potential,” LEAF’s founder Jennifer
Pickering says. Musical horizons are
expanded when the festival brings international students and culture keepers in
to proudly share their traditions with American audiences and Asheville students. Luis came last year after consulting his
spirit ancestors. “I was very nervous to
go to Asheville…but
I found it was part of my journey. I’m
happy to share with you because we’re only one family.”
“Music is the great bridge that can bring
diverse communities together in a manner that transcends conversations and
divisive ideologies…Politics and religion fade while friendship and
understanding start to erase “isms”,” Jennifer says. Luis puts it this way: “the
only way to talk to God is music.”
Koswak Bri Bri village: www.koswak.blogspot.com
For more on this subject: http://www.gonomad.com/74261-culture-keepers-costa-ricas-rainforest
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